The Three-Soil-Framework of Ziraat Farming

Ecological Soil

Problem: Alienation of human beings from the life of the earth and the healthy practice of agricultural techniques.

Remedy: Growing healthy Ecological Soil through regenerative agriculture techniques – inspired by the holistic approach of Sufi-Alchemy.

Social Soil

Problem: Alienation of human beings from the suffering and pain of other living beings, caused by an inequitable food system.

Remedy: Developing of a social field between producers, eaters, food processors and food distribution. Unconditional food for all. Acknowledgement of the social rights of minerals, plants and animals.

Inner Soil

Problem: Alienation of us humans from finding a meaningful way to be in creative relationship with self as part of Earth.

Remedy: Cultivation of the Inner Soil within each human being. In the Sufi tradition we support the development of personality by preparing our soil and concentrating on the right seed. Mystic Practicen help to overcome our disconnect und to commune with the One.

United Natur - Pflege der Himmelswiese